Adding Feng Shui to your home does not have to be a big complicated process, you can start by adding just a few basic elements.
Feng shui examines how objects and their placement within the home affect the energy flow in your living environment. The thought is these objects affect your personal energy flow, that in turn affects the success of your personal and professional life. Feng shui is the simple interaction of people and their environment. By altering these interactions, feng shui allows you to influence these interacting energies to achieve specific life improvements.
Start by clearing out the clutter from your home. This is an important step in creating harmonious Feng Shui atmosphere in your home. The process off getting rid of old clutter can be very cathartic and help you to lighten the load, so to speak. Start by clearing the entryway of your home to let the chi flow right in.
The five Feng Shui elements are wood, water, fire, earth, and metal. These elements can also be accomplished with shapes, wood-rectangular, fire-triangular, earth-square, metal-round, water-wavy. The wood element relates to natural growth and vibrant health. The fire element brings high energy levels, fuels passion, and sparks creativity. The earth element helps to generate nourishment, knowledge, and stability in your life. The metal element helps cultivate strength, focus and independence. The water element is all about wealth, abundance, and fluidity of energy. By combining these elements throughout your home you bring balance to your home and life. This balance leads to positive energy flows and improved chi in every area of your life.
Work with different Feng Shui elements to create balance and vibrant areas in your home. For example if you want more prosperity in your home add elements of wood and water in the south west area of your home. Place an energetic fountain by your front door, the flowing water symbolizes cash. Use this to help more of the green stuff flow your way.
If you are looking to improve your health place wood elements such as plants in the east area of your home. The plants also help purify the air in your home, another key element in your personal energy flow. Your energy is also strengthened with the presence of natural light and vibrant colors.
Want a boost in your love life? Simple feng shui tips like clearing out the clutter in your bedroom, this allows for better energy flow. A aromatherapy diffuser can freshen the air and infuse it with healing essential oils. Open the blinds during the day to allow lots of natural light in as well as art with vibrant colors depicting love and sensuality. By increasing your personal energy flow you in your bedroom, you project that energy for others to see.
If you are looking to boost your career success, activate your career bagua area. North is the bagua area that covers your career and life path. On the north wall in your office, place images that best fit your current career. If you are confused by your current career path or struggling with which step to take next in your career path, hang a map on the north wall of your office. This will open up fresh energies to help you find your way. A fountain or picture of water in the northern area of your office will generate more chi energy to energize your career.
There are many other principles out there. Simply put Feng Shui is the practice of designing your surroundings in harmony with the principles of natural energy flow.